Poem: What I Know


What I Know

This is what I know,
that the skies are dark,
that the storms will come,
that winter cold will creep into my soul,
that it is a battle
that will come to me again and again
sure as night,
and darker still.

This is what I know,
that the light will come again,
that dawn is stronger than darkness,
life giving and powerful in it’s gentle light,
that it is a battle
that will come to me again and again,
a fiery conflagration
I cannot avoid.

This is what I know.
I do not fight alone.
I am loved by a God beyond my imagining,
and yet no less powerful
for my lack of imagination.
I do not fight alone,
but with a band of broken hearts
whose love has far more power
than the night.

About this poem

How people get through life’s battles alone, I cannot imagine. I know I would not be able to. I am perpetually grateful for those who love me, because of who I am, and despite who I am. I try to let them know how they are appreciated and loved, but I doubt they understand the depth of that gratitude. Yes, it runs that deep.

The picture was taken yesterday, in Rupert, Vermont, the next town over.


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