Poem: Zeus Plays the Cello


Zeus Plays the Cello

Zeus plays the cello
and we all dance,
a furtive jig,
puppet like,
toys to his whims,
now a minuet,
now a jitterbug,
now a tired flailing
of arms and hearts,
caught somehow
in his spell,
believing somehow,
his lies.

But the laugh is on him.
for sooner or later
in the madman’s ball,
we meet love,
face to face,
stopping time,
stopping his sour music,
and filling our ears
and hearts
with a different song,
and infinitely
more true.

About this poem

Do you remember when you fell in love? Nothing else mattered. Least of all the world around you. Least of all, that.

The picture is of a drawing I did a few years back called – you guess it – Zeus Plays the Cello. Most of my art is for sale, but for some reason, this one never is.


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