Poem: The Coming Storm


The Coming Storm

Yes, it is far off,
this odd storm,
a distant dark cloud moving
inexorably closer.

You know what is to come,
the conflagration, the wind
and turmoil, limbs and
hearts broken and ragged,
flying through the air
like anger, falling to the ground
like the corpses of ghosts.

You have been there before.

So find your place of peace,
of shelter and safety,
prepare yourself for the noise
and remember,
it is only noise, and more importantly,
it will pass and

there is peace on the other side,
simplicity and a quietness
beautifully perfect, clear,
with only the whisper of your heart
to break the silence.

you have been here before,
and survived.

About this poem

I have been writing long enough tor recognize that I have only a dozen or so themes in my work, metaphors that repeat themselves over and over. Storms are one of those metaphors, perhaps because they are so much a part of life.

But then, so is the peace afterwards.



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