Poem: A Language of Bleakness

A Language of Bleakness

It has been years of love
and still you find the language of bleakness
an easier tongue than the language of light.

It has nothing to do with the weather,
but the scars of storms long past
when you first learned to speak

your heart mired in a world that did not encourage
such talk. Even now, now and again, it is suggested
I should be quiet, lest the world think me darker

than I am. Perhaps. But then, perhaps I am not
the only one whose journey has left their tongue
darker than their heart,

their words trying hard to catch up.

About this poem

I am slowly learning the language of light. It has not been easy.

Yes, people in my life have suggested that I should not write of my darkness in the name of “What Would People Think?” The good new is that as I age, I care less about what people think.

The picture was taken not far from my house in West Pawlet, VT.


PS: My life is far from bleak right now. It is a good life.

PPS: You may buy prints of this photograph, as well as having it imprinted on household items like mugs, cards, etc, at Fine Art America.


  1. Writing of one’s darkness is helpful not only to the writer but to others who can relate. I think people who are fortunate not to experience darkness are made nervous by it.

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