Poem: From a Distance

From a Distance.

From a distance, it is hard to tell
which books are fiction and which are tomes of fact.

And even what you know as fact, may or may not be,
depending on the times and which truths you claim.

It is a lesson hard learned. That you must come close,
oh so close, to know. And then, stay.

About this poem

A poem of faith and love.

I love old, 19th century books, particularly books of science and history. I love how they presented facts that we now “know” are totally antiquated.

I have learned in my work that the first version of anything anyone tells me is only part of the story. You only learn the whole story over time, and often by getting various versions. If then. This has made me one of the least judgemental people you will know. Because I realize how much I don’t know.

This one came out of nowhere. Built on the idea that so much of what I thought I knew, turned out to be false. Now, I listen more, believe less. It is only with the ones that are closest to us that we can find truth. God, and if we are lucky, the woman we love. And only then, if we open up and stay close, oh so close.



    • No it is not a good thing. Our society has done a lot to erode truth and trust in the last few years. And that is beyond the natural foibles of life I write about!

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