Artist’s Date: The Virginia Museum

This week, while traveling to see my family in Virginia, I went to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts with my sister for some inspiration. What Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, calls an “Artist’s Date”.

Here are a few things that caught my eye or got me thinking. You can click on any image for a full size image.

This first picture is “Stadia III” by Julia Mehertu, who I was unaware of. About this painting, which is roughly 6-7′ high, she says “I am interested in describing this as a system… a whole cosmos, while the little minute detail marks act as characters, individual stories.”

Below is “Synopsis of a Battle” by Cy TOmbly, comemrcial based oil paint and wax crayone on canvas. As random as it might seem at first, it actual portrays the Battle fo Issus, in 333 BC.

Then there is Monet. I am always drawn to Money, where ever I see him. “Irisises by the Pond.”

This (below) is “Corinth #3, Expolores of Space” by Theodoros Stamos. (1959). It is about five feel tall. While it may not seem complex, close-ups revealed a lot of layering to get the effect. I spent a lot of time on this one, studying.

Let you think I am only attracted to Abstracts, nothing could be further from the truth. I have a weakness for 19th century paintings of ships and the sea, and they had serveral. Below is “The Beach of Deauville”, oil on canvas, by Eugene Boudin. Painted in 1865. About 10 inches across.

And another seafaring piece. “The Harbour of Cherbourg”, graphite and and watercolor on paper by Berthe Morisot. 1871. This enchanting little work, maybe five inches across was my favorite painting in the whole museum.

I took lots of other shots. Some to remind me to try this technique or another. There was a lot of art deco furniture which while it was pretty spectacular, I photographed for someone else who appreciates them more than I did. And as we left there were purses that caught my eye in the shop. You judt never know.

It was an odd trip. With a lot of things going very very wrong. A lot of sadness. This was an artist date I needed, to take my mind to a place where it could rest. I appreciate my sister taking me.


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